即時印度文口譯版上先輩們好: 天成翻譯公司是客歲剛從120結業的商管學士,目前22歲服替換役中 前些日子終於完成二次面試,也拿到了部分協理的口頭Offer 方才人資也致電核薪,預估四~五週才會送至事業群總經理簽核 發文首要想就教先輩們,這份Offer是不是值得一個新穎人呢 ? 事業群:NEW PCEBG (是由CMMSG與PCEBG合併) 部分:Display (客戶來自HP、DELL、LENOVO) 職缺:Product Management 工作所在:深圳龍華廠 工作薪資: 接近40K,年終保兩個月,試用期每兩個月返台一次,試用期事後每35日返台一次 福利: 包吃包住包交通、職工委員會(?)、尾牙、生日禮金、派駐補助等等 ... 想就教若是最後我有幸真的拿到該Offer, 有無什麼工作是我此刻可以或許先準備的呢, 以降低在工作時的衝擊... 天成翻譯公司完完全全沒有理工科的基礎,那是否是我可以先自修一些書.... 例如可讓我聽懂RD學長姐們的工作術語xD 目前想到的只有英文 (自己TOEIC約850、IELTS6.5,有外語領隊導遊資曆,本身也恒久加入英文念書會、和英國人做說話互換) 當初會應徵PM職缺,一來是自己重視多元性,很喜好和人做溝通、調和,但天成翻譯公司想如果我可以或許有點理工的根蒂根基知識 那或許能幫忙我在工作時更順利 (不被痛罵這麼慘xD) 謝謝翻譯公司們 !


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李旻真同窗上臺透過主題為「彩繪媽媽故鄉的愛」的繪畫及畫展,分享回母親故鄉的經驗。 圖/內政部移民署 供給

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1.およげ!たいやきくん(およげ鯛焼きくん):子門真人(日語) = 覓受氣:洪榮宏(台語) = 海麗!海麗!:高凌風(國語)


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int cnt=0,p=1,mer;



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Do I need to buy ticket first? 我必須先買車票嗎?
One-way or roundtrip? 單程或是往返?
Please remind us whe we get to XXXX,OK? 當我們到達某處請提示我們下車
How soon does the next train come? 下班火車多快來呢?
I took the wrong but. 我撘錯公車了
Get off at the forth stop. 在第四站下車
I’ll like to get off at the airport翻譯社 please. 天成翻譯公司要到機場

I want to make a phone call. 天成翻譯公司要打德律風
Can I dial directly? 可以直接撥號嗎?
I’ll like to place a local call. 我想打一通室內德律風 
I’ll like to place a long-distance call. 我想打一通遠程電話
I’ll like to place a overseas call to Taiwan. 我想打一通越洋德律風
Please keep trying and call me when you get on the line. 請繼續試
Please cennect me with room XXX. 請幫天成翻譯公司接客房XXX
Please charge fee to my room. 請將費用算在我的帳上
I called from XXX. 我在某處打過德律風

I’ll like to join(take) this tour. 我想參加這個行程
May I know more detail schedule? 天成翻譯公司可以知道更多具體行程嗎?
I’ll like some informations about........我想一些資料關於.......
May I reserve it now? 我可以目前預訂嗎?
Is this tour all-inclusive? 包括全數費用嗎?
Is there a pick up service at the hotel? 有旅館接送辦事嗎?
Do you have a five days land tour recently? 最近有五天內陸的旅遊嗎?
When and where do we start? 出發的時候跟地點呢?
Where can I board the ferry? 那裡上遊輪?
Which tour do you recommend? 翻譯公司保舉那個旅遊行程?
I’ll like to ask you about.........天成翻譯公司想請問翻譯公司關於...........
Do you offer Chinese translation guide for us? 翻譯公司可以供給中文翻譯導遊嗎?
Do we have a Chinese-speaking guide? 有中文導遊嗎?
Do I have enough time to take pictures? 我有足夠時間攝影嗎?
What time does the next flight leave(take off)? 下班飛機何時起飛?
What time do we need to come back here? 天成翻譯公司們需要什麽時候回來?

How long do we stop here? 在這裡逗留多久?
Recommend me some good sightseeing to visit, please. 請建議我值得去參觀的景點. 
where are the best attractions that we couldn’t miss? 哪裡有好的景點我們毫不能錯失呢?
What scenic attractions do you recommend? 哪裡有好的景點我們毫不能錯失呢?
Could you tell me some interesting places in this town? 能告知我一些好玩的處所嗎?
Where is the place to enjoy a nice view?  在哪能看到誇姣風光
Can I take pictures inside Museum? 可以在博物館裏拍照嗎?
Where is the tickets window? 售票口在哪?
★Who should I contact in case of emergency? 若有緊迫狀態天成翻譯公司該連聯系誰?
I though we were on a limitted budget.我想天成翻譯公司們預算有限

Here is my confirmation slip. 這是我簡直認單
I'll arrive late, but please keep my reservation. 我會晚一點到達,請保存所預訂的房間。
Is hot water available any time? 隨時都有熱水供給嗎?
May I see the room first?我可以看一看房間嗎?
Do you have any porter to take our baggages to our rooms? 有行李搬運員幫手嗎?
What time are meals (breadfast)offered? 用餐(早餐)時候是幾點?
Could you call and reserve a taxi for me? (on 5 june ‘s moring) 可以請你幫天成翻譯公司預約計程車嗎
Do you have vacancies for double room type? 你有雙人房型空屋嗎
Please give me quiet rooms,please.請給我一間恬靜的房間
Do you have anything bigger (better/cheaper)?是不是還有更大的(更好的/更便宜的)房間?
I want to stay three days longer.我想再多住三個晚上.
Is breakast included? 早餐是否已包含於費用內?
What is the rate? 房價幾許?
How much is it per night? 每晚費用為幾何?
Is there a discount for staying several days? 若逗留很多天是不是有任何折扣?
The rate is higher than we expected. 房價比我們預期的還高.
Is there any additional charges? 有額外收費嗎?
Does it include tax and service charge?費用是不是包括稅與辦事費?
Would you be kind enough to check for me? 妳可以幫我查查看嗎?
Do you accept credit crads(traveler's checks)? 這裡可以使用信用卡(觀光支票)嗎?
Where is the nearest subway station? 最近的地鐵站在那裡?

What time is the breadfast served? 早飯幾點起頭供給
The air conditioner is broken. 空調壞了
Please send somebody up 翻譯社O.K? 請叫人上來好嗎?
Would we Late check out at 4 pm WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE?天成翻譯公司們可以到下午四點離開不消別的付費嗎?
Room key for XXX翻譯社please.請給天成翻譯公司房間鑰匙XXX
When will it be ready?什麼時刻會準備好?
I’d like to stay one more night. 我要多住一晚
we are leaving early tomorrow.So翻譯社 I lik to ask you to call and reserve a taxi for us.我們明天一大清早離開,所以,我可以請你幫我們先叫好計程車嗎??
Please send up a porter. 請派人來拿行李
Could you bring my baggage down to the lobby tomorrow morning? 明早你是不是能幫我將行李拿到大廳?
May I leave baggage here till this afternoon? 天成翻譯公司可以存放行李到下戰書嗎?
Give me a moring call at 6 am for all three days. please. 這三天請六點叫天成翻譯公司起床
Could you wake me up at 7 o’clock tomorrow morning? 明早7點能叫我起床嗎?
I'd like a wake-up call, please.我想設定淩晨的呼喚鈴。
What time does supermarket open? 超級市場幾點營業
Can you recommend a good restaurant for dinner?翻譯公司能保舉一家好餐廳用晚餐嗎?
Please bring me a pot of coffee (boiled water).請送給我一壺咖啡(熱水)翻譯
★We are leaving for the airport at 8:30 am tomorrow morning. 明早8點半要到機場
I found there is a mistake in my bill.天成翻譯公司發現帳單上有錯!!
I enjoy my stay.天成翻譯公司住的很興奮。

I want a restaurant with reasonable prices.我想去一家價位公道的餐廳翻譯
Is there a Chinese restaurant around here?這四周是不是有中國餐廳?
Are there any inexpensive restaurants near here?這四周是不是有價位不貴的餐廳?
We are a group of six我們共有六人
We’d like to have a table tighter 天成翻譯公司們想併桌
We'll come around eight o'clock.我們大約在8點到達。
Could you recommend a nice restaurant near here? 翻譯公司能推薦附近的一個好點的餐館嗎
Do you know of any restaurant open now? 你知道有現在開門的餐館嗎
Is this seat vacant? 天成翻譯公司可以坐這裡嗎?
Is this seat taken? 這個座有人嗎?
May I sit next to you? 我可以做你旁邊嗎?
Do you have any vegetarian dishes on the menu? 否有供給素食餐?
Do you have vegetarian dishs?餐廳是不是有供應素食餐?
Can you make it mild? 能做的平淡嗎?


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Google2015 年開放了自行研發的機械進修架構TensorFlow,這是大規模的機械學習系統,可改善 Google相簿以及 Google 翻譯等產品翻譯TensorFlow在 200 多個國度被下載了超過790 萬次,而且多人採用 TensorFlow 作為研究和產品對象。

Google表示,機械進修的發展雖仍在成長初期,但在分類Classification、預測 Prediction和說話理解能力Language Understanding有了不錯的成長。將來將是AI優先的時期。


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